Time Travel Grandma
by Jaylene Benggon Chung
Illustrations created in Midjourney by Jaylene Benggon Chung and Charlene Gibbs
Part I
Girl and Grandma sat on the couch, watching television. A ceiling fan rotated lazily overhead, and a breeze filtered in through the curtains. A plate of cut papaya sat on the coffee table in front of them amid stacks of newspapers, mail, and other junk. They sat in silence, laughing a bit here and there, but it was so quiet they could hear the crickets outside. Grandma rubbed her arm.
“Are you feeling ok, Grandma?” asked Girl, quickly. “Is it too cold?”
“No, no, I’m fine, lah.”
“Where did your Mommy go?” Grandma asked suddenly.
“Huh?” said Girl. “Oh… I think she went to get groceries for tomorrow.”
“Oh,” said Grandma.
More silence passed. On screen, a beautiful and glamorous actress appeared.
“Oh ho,” tsked Grandma. “So sexy sexy.”
Girl laughed. “Too sexy?”
“She shouldn’t show too much skin,” Grandma grumbled, then said begrudgingly, “…but she’s very pretty.”
“Yeah, she is,” Girl agreed.
“Like you, you’re very pretty too!” Grandma said. “Your long hair is so nice. I remember when I had long hair.”
Girl smiled at Grandma. “Thank y-”
“Who are you again?” Grandma asked.
Girl’s face fell. She turned away, trying to hide her disappointment.
“I’m your granddaughter. Nancy’s daughter. Remember?” Girl asked gently.
“Nancy?!” Grandma said incredulously. “She’s too young to have kids!”
“Oh, well, I-”
Grandma went on. “I keep telling her not to go around with that boy but she doesn’t listen. Girls shouldn’t go around with boys like that, it’s not right.”
Grandma was interrupted by a dramatic kiss on screen. “Oh ho!!!”
Grandma leaned towards Girl conspiratorially, a twinkle in her eye. “He reminds me of Winston, the tall one. You remember?”
Girl was taken aback. “Winston?”
Grandma was impatient. “You know, he sits in the front row in math class. Very good at soccer...” Then she said, slyly, “Has a nice behind...” Grandma erupted into giggles.
“Grandma!” Girl exclaimed, but couldn’t help giggling, too. “A nice behind?? Who-”
Grandma got up from the couch to go towards the kitchen.
“You know who I’m talking about,” Grandma said. “The other day, he---”
Just as she walked through the doorway — ZIP!
Girl and Grandma were transported to a schoolyard.
Girl looked down at her clothes and was shocked.
Girl looked to Grandma, and was astonished to see a high school girl in her place.
Grandma tugged on Girl’s sleeve excitedly and pointed down the field. “Nah, see? That one.” Grandma pointed. “OOH he’s just about to score a goal!”
Through her shock, Girl squinted anyway. “The one with the thick hair?”
Grandma giggled. “Yes, him!! I told you he was cute!”
Winston scored a goal, and the entire team erupted into cheers.
Grandma jumped up and down, shrieking, then grasped Girl’s hands. Girl couldn’t help but join in, then — ZIP!
They sat on the couch once again, still grasping each others’ arms. Girl looked around, confused. Grandma absent-mindedly stroked Girl’s arms, still looking at the television.
“What just hap-” Girl started to say.
Grandma looked at Girl, as if just realizing she was there. She let go of Girl’s arms.
“Who are you?” asked Grandma sharply.
“I’m your granddaughter,” Girl said helplessly.
“Granddaughter??” Grandma was indignant. “I don’t have a granddaughter.”
“I need to go to the bathroom.” Grandma got up unsteadily and started going towards the bathroom. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but don’t steal anything.”
Girl started to get up. “Do you need help, Grandma?”
“Stop calling me that!” Grandma snapped, walking out of the room. “I don’t need your help!”
Girl sat back down on the couch, slowly, still looking dazed. She looked around at the photos on the wall, her eyes coming to rest on a framed black and white photo of a smiling teenage girl holding a cat - the same girl that she just met.
Girl shook her head, and got up to follow Grandma. She knocked on the bathroom door. “Grandma? Do you need any help?”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Grandma’s voice was muffled.
The door opened, and a head peeked out.
“Are you ok-” Girl started to ask, then — ZIP!
To be continued.